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*** Includes Current AHA/ACC Guidelines for UA/NSTEMI/STEMI! ***
MI Rule Visions® is an innovative tool making recognition of myocardial infarction and ischemia location in a 12 lead ECG rapid and simple! This color-coded template contains a wealth of references for ECG lead changes, reciprocal changes, culprit arteries, cardiac markers, lead placement and waveform norms. Differential diagnosis, the evolution of an MI, current AHA/ACC guidelines for identification and management of chest pain, AMI and more, will increase your proficiency and confidence! MI Rule Visions® has rapidly become an invaluable tool and reference for healthcare professionals around the world.
How to Use
By placing any 12 lead ECG within the MI Rule Visions®, the location of coronary infarct or ischemia can be easily found! If you are unsure if a lead appears normal, use the 3D template with moveable waveforms as your guide. Through holographic process, you will see all 12 leads as they appear normal, ischemic and in injury.
MI Rule Visions® study data was presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions on November 14, 2006. This data validated MI Rule Visions® as a "statistically and CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT TOOL" for increasing the ability to identify ST elevation or depression in a 12 lead ECG! Read more »
Don't rely on the ECG computer-generated interpretation! It's only as accurate as the human who programmed the machine! Years ago, a 12 lead ECG came out of the machine with a reading of "Normal Sinus Rhythm". The patient, a female in her early 40's was in no apparent distress as she read a magazine, and was actually having a MI. After this, a nurse made the template and it was further improved for use at an AMI course. It was a hit! Many said, it turned the light bulb on, and they finally understood!